Who Are You?

Who Are You?

How do you describe yourself?

But not using your name, or your job, or your accomplishments?

Who are you on the inside?

What’s your soul like?

I think it’s important to dig deep within and muster enough courage to see what’s underneath the surface?

I know when I get to heaven it’s my souls that’s ending up there. 💜

My body isn’t going to go up there with me, so I kind of feel like it’s important that I try to investigative my heart and my soul and become friends with it, since it’s essentially who I am at the core.

It’s kind of like finding my magic again, but it’s not always so Magical. It’s like maybe I’ve been so busy with my life for so many years that I forgot to keep in touch with my heart.

I think I always related to myself as a mom, wife, hairstylist, daughter, sister, friend and a million other things.

But if I dig a little deeper I’m going to say I am a survivor, a fighter, a faithful soul. I’m brave and afraid, I’m strong and I’m weak. I’m gritty and stubborn and magical all in the same minute. I’m a lover and a hater, I’m beautiful and broken, but I’m never my mistakes. I’m never my choices and I’m never my failures.

I am a soul who’s trying to find her magic again. And in doing so it’s often times chaotic, because I realize that the fear always wants to be bigger then my faith.

As a matter of fact they tend to go hand in hand. How could we feel joy if we didn’t we feel sorrow? There’s no way a change can occur without a lot of negativity and resistance.

While our hearts are a huge vessel for love, our minds are sure as hell not. They are avoiders of pain at all cost and they will keep you running circles around yourself.

I spent a lot of my life committed to suffering because I didn’t know any other way.

But now I’m on a path to enlightenment, awakening and learning to say yes to my heart again. 💜

While it’s far from perfect it’s very authentic.

I hope you guys have an amazing weekend💜 and that you take some time feed your souls

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