Tell It like it is Tuesday

Tell it like it is Tuesday! Woot woot here we go! If you want to do something different, and out of the normal than most people in your life are not going to understand.  I watched one of our leaders say he was in the NFL and I thought to myself “I didn’t know that”.  It turns out it’s a different NFL, it’s the No Friend Left zone! This made me bust out laughing for many reasons. I am actually very lucky to have a close group of women in my life who support me (even when they are probably sick to death of hearing about my new journey) and love me no matter what.  I will learn something new and I will go to work and I will share it with them.  I might say ” Hey guys, I learned something new today and I’m going to be trying it out on you bitches so don’t think I’m crazy!” And then I might even add “well we already know I’m crazy, but that’s another story!” The point here is that my real friends are faithful even if they are annoyed.  They are supportive even if they are not interested.  They have listened to me and they have laughed with me and they are not envious or jealous of me.  Each and every one of my friends is in my life for a different reason.  They each bring their own beauty and gift to our friendships.  They each have a unique quality that I admire in them and they are all beautiful souls.  I often see them in ways that they don’t see themselves, and I encourage them every chance I get! So to my people I love you! I am beyond blessed to call you my friends and I am lucky to have you in my life. To my besties, my workies, my clients, my jazzies, my soul sistersimage and my fellow crazies this is for you! Thank you for always being faithful.  Thank you for loving me no matter what the season.  Thank you for your presence and thank you because I have not entered the NFL yet.

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